Explore identity and inequality variances among cultural divisions while our individual ideas of civil domesticity are confronted. Basic ideas of human rights are challenged when capital punishment or honor killings are allowed to exist to either control women or punish them for their sexuality. The audience is invited to justify their own action by either throwing a stone and breaking the object or refraining from picking up a stone while simultaneously protecting the object.
2084, 2013, 14 x 48 x 6 1/4 inches, hydrocal, pigment, wax, wood, varnish, mirrored plexi-glass
2084 (detail), 2013, 14 x 48 x 6 1/4 inches, hydrocal, pigment, wax, wood, varnish, mirrored plexi-glass
1895 (detail), 2013, 53 x 16 x 18 inches, hydrocal, pigment, wax, wood, varnish
1895, 2013, 53 x 16 x 18 inches, hydrocal, pigment, wax, wood, varnish
1877, 2013, 16 x 41 x 120 inches, hydrocal, pigment, wax, wood, varnish
1943, 2013, 35 x 32 x 18 inches, hydrocal, pigment, wax, wood, varnish
1943 (detail), 2013, 35 x 32 x 18 inches, hydrocal, pigment, wax, wood, varnish
2088, 2013, 35 x 75 x 46 inches, hydrocal, pigment, wax, wood, varnish
2024, 2013, 35 x 39 x 30 inches, hydrocal, pigment, wax, wood, varnish
1988, 2013, 35 x 52 x 32 inches
hydrocal, pigment, wax, wood, varnish