A look at the traditional home by combining interior structures, bed frames, with external structures, camping tents in quantities to create new communities. The interior private behavior of the bedroom is physically attached to a pink plastic camping tent, a nomadic and temporary structure. Interior behaviors become external devices where personal and private information quickly travel via a nomadic messenger. The combination of modular forms creates a larger community and collective psychology of current behaviors representative of social media, reality television and 24-hour news cycles where private information can quickly be made public.
Social Foreclosure, 2012, 12 x 30 x 25 feet, plastic, thread, wood, fiberglass, metal
Social Foreclosure (detail), 2012, plastic, thread, wood, fiberglass, metal
Social Foreclosure, 2012, 3 x 15 x 25 feet, plastic, thread, wood, fiberglass, metal
Social Foreclosure, 2012, 12 x 30 x 25 feet, plastic, thread, wood, fiberglass, metal
Social Foreclosure 2, 2011, 60 x 56 x 90 inches, plastic, thread, wood, paint, fiberglass, metal, dishes
Social Foreclosure (detail), 2012, plastic, thread, wood, fiberglass, metal
Social Foreclosure (detail), 2012, plastic, thread, wood, fiberglass, metal
Good & Plenty 1, 34 x 35 19 inches, plastic, thread, wood, paint, dishes
Social Foreclosure, 2012, 3 x 12 x 30 feet, plastic, thread, wood, fiberglass, metal
Social Foreclosure, 2012, dimensions variable, plastic, thread, wood, fiberglass, metal
Good & Plenty 2, 2011, plastic, thread, wood, paint, dishes
Social Foreclosure, 2012, 12 x 30 x 30 feet, plastic, thread, wood, fiberglass, metal
Social Foreclosure, 2012, 12 x 30 x 30 feet, thread, wood, fiberglass, metal
Nothing Really Mattress, 2011, color video with sound, running time 7:47