Warnings & Instructions
Exploring fear effectuated on public. Viewers are offered a chance to create their own outlook for rescue – disaster or playground. Is our cultural identity a result from the need to install endless safety and security precautions and instill over-protective behavior and legislation in our lives, which practically remove the need for common sense and sense of humor? Fifteen videos investigate an everyman’s psychological perspective and quirky reasoning toward their own personal safety in everyday tasks, like sitting on a chair, walking, or sleeping.
Warnings & Instructions, 2010, dimensions variable, plastic, thread, wood, paint
Warnings & Instructions (Airplane) 2010, 17 x 45 x 75 feet, plastic, thread, wood, paint
Warnings & Instructions (Airplane interior with monitors), 2010, dimensions variable, plastic, thread, wood, paint, video with sound
Warnings & Instructions, 2010, dimensions variable, plastic, thread, wood, paint, video and projection with sound
Warnings & Instructions, 2010, dimensions variable, plastic, thread, wood, paint
Warnings & Instructions (life vest), 2010, 30 x 26 x 5 inches, plastic, thread, plexi-glass
Warnings & Instructions (black box with video projection), 2010, metal, paint, electronics, video with sound
Warnings & Instructions (black box detail), 2010, 7 x 6 x 9 inches, metal, paint, electronics, video
Warnings & Instructions (Fun Raft of Medusa), 2010, 9 x 12 x 14 feet, plastic, thread, wood, paint
Warnings & Instructions (detail of life raft #2), 2010, 9 x 10 x 12 feet, plastic, thread, wood, paint
Warnings & Instructions (life raft #2), 2010, 9 x 10 x 12 feet, plastic, thread, wood, paint
Warnings & Instructions, 2010, dimensions variable, plastic, thread, wood, paint
Warnings & Instructions (airplane wing), 2010, 17 x 6 x 1 feet, plastic, thread, wood, paint
Warnings & Instructions (airplane wing detail), 2010, plastic, thread, wood, paint
Warnings & Instructions, 2010, dimensions variable, plastic, thread, wood, paint, video with sound
Warnings & Instructions, 2010, dimensions variable, plastic, thread, wood, paint, video projection with sound
Warnings & Instructions Part I, 2010, video with sound, running time 8:54
Warnings & Instructions Part II, 2010, video with sound, running time 7:45
Warnings & Instructions, main cabin, 2010, video with sound, running time 3:28
Warnings & Instructions, swimming, 2010, video with sound, running time 4:55